Sunday, April 15, 2012

Busy Busy Week

It has been a pretty busy week and I haven't had a chance to post! eep! I intended on putting up some sneak peeks but my mannequins might as well be built like hangars lol. I also found myself taking a very loved little guy to the vet :(
There is a stray that wanders around my parents house and once in a while we feed him and love him up. I especially grew attached to him and named him Rocky due to the long drawl of a kitty meow he had and his impeccable abs. He was a muscular little guy who needed to be fixed. He was a lover not a fighter. He shied away from any cat that growled at him. My parents decided to license him and get him fixed as soon as possible. Soon after he disappeared for a few weeks and we grew increasingly worried.
He showed up again a few days ago with a HUGE abscess on his cheek that was filled with pus and his poor little paw was scraped to the muscle. My sister and I immediately took him in away from the elements for a day to see if there would be any improvement. I sat with him and he cuddled in my lap like old times and napped while I rubbed a damp cloth on his fur and sang Bob Marley to him. He was such a vocal cat but he always calmed down when I sang "Baby of mine" or "Don't worry about a thing" to him. The next day we took him to the vet for surgery and I decided to take him home and keep him.
Unfortunately they tested him for leukemia and the tests came back positive and our hearts sank. We all had cats at home and he needed to live alone so he couldn't infect others.It was obvious that he was in the worst pain.

We had to make the toughest choice ever and have him put down. Me, my sister and our two boyfriends petted and kissed him and told him we loved him and how he was the best cat ever until the end.
This is pretty much why I didn't post but next week I will post a little locket DIY in memory of my little "rock of love".


Baylee said...

:( Sorry to hear about that. It is always tough to put a sweetie down. Hope you are doing ok.

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