Our first stop was the flea market bright and early in the morning. Since Viva Las Vegas was going on this weekend the place was EMPTY. I was so lucky to score great deals on so many cute dresses! From there the adventure continued after I changed out of my dress and into a bloat friendly outfit ;) Here are some pictures from my weekend.

From the top clockwise:
1. We grabbed breakfast at Intellegentsia where the waiters dressed like 1920's "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?" chaps. This place was so quaint and even the one girl behind the counter was dressed in a cute Modcloth dress. It reeked of hipster attitude but that was part of the charm. My favorite moment was when the man-boy taking my order referred me to the checkout guy saying,l
" If you'll please step over there (Insert hipster name here) with the feather will ring you up"
The guy was wearing a bowler hat with a red feather in it and a huge silk scarf draped around his neck like a bandit. And yes, he did have a mustache.Needless to say, hipster boy with the feather made me chuckle not because he was dressed super cool (I really do love when a guy dresses for a barbershop quartet..and I'm serious) but because his voice was so light and breathy I could barely hear him.
He handed me my green tea which he whispered as Paradisio and as I admired the small wooden tray it was on I couldn't help but feel like I was on an episode of Portlandia.
I also get this feeling at the dog park hehe.
2. How many times has anyone seen these lamps and various people clinging to them and thought "where is this???!" Well it's at LACMA! All of us unoriginal photographers were nestled in between the many lamp posts taking shots from the ground up.I swear you've probably seen this type of photo a million times before and they never get old. I love those lampposts.
3. Big plates! From artist Robert Therrien. He also had a bed that looked like a charging beast.
4-6 The clothing was from the California Modern Collection. I was drooling. The gold bathing suit is similar to a couple my mom used to have. I even saw a DeWeese outfit there. I bought a DeWeese Hawaiian dress just last week! Yipee! My sister even had a set of plates that were on display.
7. To end the night we went to Harajuku Crepes in Beverly hills for some intensely delicious crepes. Crave in Sherman Oaks is still the best but this place ranks high. I got my handheld crepe with the usual stuff but I added on green tea, a mochi sheet and pocky! Yum!
8. Center. I tried my hand at one of the designs on Chalkboard nails It was a ton of fun to try but also kind of difficult since I have the nail beds of a toddler.
Did anyone else do anything fun for Easter?
Soundtrack of the Day courtesy of Intelligenstia:
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